Besides the economic ups and downs of the real estate market, several Miami Beach condos also made headlines due to the defective and dangerous Chinese drywall that was installed within them. Although it’s no longer in the news as frequently as before, it continues to be a major concern among residents and associations that are struggling financially.

In an effort to try and address the drywall problem affecting Miami Beach condos and many other homes, a Florida senator has proposed a bill to create rules for home inspections associated to drywall and require companies that get rid of defective drywall to supply homeowners with a remediation plan.

The above is one of two proposed bills aimed at addressing the Miami Beach condos drywall situation. Another bill would require the Florida Building Commission to collaborate with the Department of Health to produce standards that put a stop to the use of drywall that surpasses limits set up for emissions or sulfur and strontium compound content. Whatever is ultimately decided, the problem needs to be addressed quickly as many homeowners have had to live with the dangerous conditions for several months now.